Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pop culture potpourri

It's Thursday, a potentially slow day for me at work, and there's a lot on my non-software centered mind, so here are a few things to consider today:
  1. Emmy nominations were announced today, honoring the "best" TV out there. I was disappointed to see that Pushing Daisies was not included in the list of Best Comedies, although actor Lee Pace (Ned) and Kristin Chenoweth (Olive) were. Still, I was glad to see Lost back on the list of Best Drama nominees (for the first time since it won the category in its first season). And though I'm happy to see The Office, Steve Carell, and Rainn Wilson (Dwight) recognized, I'm wondering what it's going to take to get Emmy voters to recognize the heart & soul of the show: Jim & Pam (neither was nominated this year). Read the whole list of nominees here.
  2. I finally finished reading Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild, and I enjoyed it. It wasn't as fascinating to me as his Into Thin Air (that we read in the book club years ago on Devry's suggestion), but it still raised some interesting existential questions that had me considering my own life search for truth and happiness. The story of Chris McCandless is ultimately a sad one, but I wonder if he would be happy to know that Krakauer's book has caused millions of people to think more deeply about how they live their own lives.
  3. The Dark Knight is getting crazy good reviews. Rotten Tomatoes currently reports that 91% of the nation's critics are recommending this movie. Of course there is nothing but praise for Heath Ledger's performance, which I can't wait to see. Critics are, however, noting that this is a very dark and complex tale, and not one that is necessarily appropriate for the little ones. Some have even gone as far to say that the tone and themes push the PG-13 rating to the very limits, so be warned. Wendy and I go to see it on Saturday; I'll let you know what I think of the movie after that.
Anything else I need to be thinking about today?


l.g. mcfifi said...

i have not read the book Into the Wild. I enjoyed the movie. Im going to wait a week or two to see the new Batman- I am excited for it. I's trying to have an open mind on the new terminator. Whew Christian Bale- he's been busy

Erica Eley said...

The Office would not be so darn addictive without the spark that is Pam Beasley and Jim Halpert, 'nuff said. They should totally get recognition for these awards ceremonies! Maybe season 5?
Here are just a few of my favorite Steve Carell lines that I frequently use to mix up an otherwise dull conversation:
"Mmmint chocolate chip!"
"Try my cookie-cookie!"
"I think that fate put this catalog in my hands."
"I will quit. As God is my witness I will quit- if this is not fixed!" (that's from Kevin)

I started laughing before I even finished quoting.

jennie said...

Love Erica's comments. But not as much as I love Pushing Daisies. It is THE BEST SHOW ON TV.