Monday, January 28, 2008

More Lily pics

Pardon me if you've already seen these. But seriously, can you blame me for posting them?


Anonymous said...

She's so cute. But you can see from that last picture where she's roaring that she can also be ferocious, which is cute.

jennie said...

I am so happy you posted a pic of my little EWOK!

Anonymous said...

Fun history fact: Ewok comes from the latin word Ewokus, which means Ewok.

KA said...

She is such a little love.

lacy lee said...

Very adorable...! Thanks for posting :)

Katie said...

Cutest thing ever. I love the last picture. And, Wendy, do I have to talk about lotion to get you to EVER leave a comment on my blog???

jennie said...

I have a movie review: Catch and Release... never should have been released. I HATED this movie. It's labeled as a romantic comedy, yet it's more of a drama. The character development was terrible. We actually very much disliked the guy that she ended up with, and loved the guy that she should have been with. Even the fat slobby roommate was better than the guy she ended up with. I don't want to give it any stars.

jennie said...

What? No post on LOST? You are a brand new father!

Stinsonian said...

Beautiful little girl! She is prettier & prettier with every pic! I'd also like a post on LOST. I loved it but need your complete review before I'll be satisfied.

Unknown said...

I will amen all of the comments, your daughter is adorable (I'm anxious to not have a cold so I can come snuggle her) and Catch and Release was AWFUL!!

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot, you So You Think You Can Dance fans, there were tryouts in SLC yesterday - I know someone who unofficially made it through to second cuts tomorrow and she's a clogger!! Excuse me, she does PowerTap!!