Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Interesting "Lost" Q&A

A few of you have expressed frustration that I haven't been blogging actively about the recent episodes of Lost with theories, reactions, etc. I'm sorry that I haven't been so die-hard as to include a week-by-week rundown of the show, but please don't misinterpret my lack of Lost-centric posts to imply that my passion for the show is cooling; Lost is as frustratingly addictive as it ever was, and I'm loving every minute.

There's always a mild sense of disappointment at the back of my mind when more questions are being presented than those that are being answered, but I'm pleased that this season has, at the very least, never slowed down. Even though I have no idea where producers intend to take the show, at least I feel like they are steadily pushing forward with the story. And the biggest blessing to come from the new flash-forward mentality of the show: no more pointless flashbacks. I don't mean that there are no flashbacks altogether--I think we have a Juliet-centric episode this week that includes some island flashbacks. But at least every time we leave the island, it feels very relevant to the larger questions looming over the island itself; the producers have really done a masterful job of maintaining that balance.

So I'm still all-in when it comes to my favorite show. It never fails to take me in directions that I couldn't have imagined (Aaron?!? Desmond?!?!). Click here if you'd like to read a mildly interesting Q&A session held between Lost producers and stars.


jennie said...

Thank you for finally writing about LOST. It has been a CRAZY season. I'm happy Penny and Des got to talk, and I'm happy Jack loves Kate. I just hope that Kate didn't STEAL Aaron, then I could never like her again.

Justin said...

OK so if you want a theory, here it is: producers are apparently not counting Aaron as one of the Oceanic 6 (since he wasn't on the manifesto, on account of him being in the womb at the time?). So that leave two more people to make it off the island. I'm guessing it's Sun and Jin, since they apparently have an upcoming "flash-forward" episode coming up.

Furthermore, producers have said that one original character will die before the season ends. For obvious reasons, I'm guessing it's Claire.

KA said...

I will tell Jon to read your blog, since he can't be trusted to do so on his own.

Michelle said...

I thought the Kate episode was one of the best to date. But if it is the same Aaron, why did Kate care so much about Jack coming to see him? Maybe Jack got her pregnant, and she just named him Aaron after the baby....

Anyway, enough speculation! I'm to the point now where I want to watch the movie and stop reading the book. I don't know if I can take another 3 seasons of this. I'm going ot make some buttons that say, "How's it gonna end?" Like on The Truman Show. I need answers! I'm about ready to give up and tune in to the finale.

But you know me, I'm all bark and no bite and I'm in for the rest of the seasons.

jennie said...

I'm not convinced Claire dies. Why would Charlie care so much about Hurley going back to the Island, if Claire and Aaron were already gone?

I wish Aaron were Jack and Kate's baby, but I don't see Jack not playing an active father role.

Interesting, interesting.

PJC said...

Isn't Aaron Jacks half brother? That's the impression I got from a flash back of Jack's dad.

Jon said...

I am loving Lost this season. Wish there were more episodes. Keep the posts coming, Jay!