Friday, September 21, 2007

Shocking piece of "Lost" news...

Yes, it's been a slow workday. So it's a welcome coincidence that on the heels of 24's big news, I find some interesting Lost news as well. Although not as potentially shocking as the 24 news, this post nevertheless gives us the hope that one of the more frustrating loose-ends from Lost's Season 2 will finally be addressed. It's not as surprising as it is satisfying, so unless you want to go into Season 4 completely blind, feel free to click here.

This is a welcome announcement, and makes the February premiere seem even further away. I can't wait to see what the producers have got up their sleeves.


jennie said...

I'm very interested in how the said character will do what you say she'll do. I am also MOSTLY interested in how we can get Kate and Jack to be in love for good. Also, I can't wait to learn more about Jacob.

Justin said...

Now isn't Jacob some kind of werewolf or something?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that be a weird twist - Jacob, spellbound after the love of his life breaks his heart, leaves to colonize a island with ancient Quelette's powers. Possible?

jennie said...

funny guys, real funny.

Unknown said...

Thank goodness they are going to tie that up! I always complained to Brett about that one story line that was never resolved. Hooray!

Unknown said...

Oh and by the way--if Jacob is a werewolf, what does that make Locke? All I'm saying is Locke and Jacob looked alike.

Justin said...

I totally agree that Jacob and Locke looked like the same actor, which would explain why Ben seems so threatened by Locke. Man I can't wait for this show to start up again!