Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Little David baffles; comb-over David shines

Last night's American Idol provided some interesting surprises. No, I'm not one of the camp that thought that Kristy Lee Cook's God Bless the USA was fantastic, or even tolerable. Her song was the most blatant pandering to her traditional country fan-base I've ever seen on AI. Can someone please explain to me how she got this far?

Michael Johns' Queen medley was passable, and definitely better than some of his other performances, but I just don't get him. Aside from his cool accent and Aussie good-looks, he hasn't blown me away. Carly continues to underwhelm, despite her technical prowess. Syesha and Chikezie gave some more mediocre performances; they can both do better. And Ramiele should be packing her bags.

Rocker David, with a steadily improving comb-over, continues to prove that he is the most consistent performer in the race, and possibly the most daring as well. Right now, he looks like the front-runner to me.

As for our little Mormon friends, I've gotta say, Little David seriously needs some help in picking his songs. Did that song sound like a cheesy Christian rock song or what? And it did nothing for his talent. We know he has it in him, so why does he keep making terrible song choices?

Finally, Brooke. Yes, I agreed that the first half of her song was better than the second half, which got a little too traditional for me. Though she shows little range from week to week, you can't help but love the folksy-smoothness of her voice, her talent on the piano and guitar, and that million-dollar smile. I predict she'll go a long way in this competition.


PJC said...

I had to DVR it because of the caucuses last night, but I look forward to watching.

MEG said...

Yeah I was confused at little David's song - something about being a son and daughter and staring down the barrel of a gun at each other? Poor kid, I know he can do better. I did like comb-over's performance, but I really can't stand his noggin - it drives me nuts!

Chanelle said...

Justin -

I feel the same way that you do about the contestants. Now with David, instead of picking the songs that he likes, maybe he should start thinking about the rest of us! I guess we'll see tomorrow.

Jon said...

Kristy Lee is still around for only one reason--her looks.

Jay you were right about Ramielle packing her bags. Good call.