Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dumbledore is gay!?!?!

I was shocked to read the following article this weekend:

All I can say is that I'm glad she didn't try to elaborate on this in the books.


Devry said...

I'm bugged by this. If she would have actually written this into her book it would have alienated a large portion of her fan base. Ridiculous. But now she has all our money and then blurts this out.

Justin said...

Part of me thinks that it was just one of those quirky comments meant to be funny, but then padded up when it got a good reaction. I think it's an unnecessary detail and a bit of a turnoff, if you asked me. In my imagination, wizards don't have sex lives, let alone sexual preferences...

Dana said...

I agree with Devry. Now that she has nothing to lose she chooses to make this statement but wasn't brave enough to do it when her profits might have been in jeopardy from it. It just seems disingenuous.

lacy lee said...

In my mind, this new statement is about as valid as the Chinese black market versions of her books that I heard about on NPR, where the plots involve Harry having a love affair with Hermione and going off to China to attend ninja wizard school. Anything not written in Scholastic stone, if you will, gets discounted.

KA said...

And what? Does she just continue to make stuff up about the characters ad infinitum? This irks me to no end.