Thursday, March 02, 2006

"The Island" and "Zathura" DVD reviews

Wendy and I caught up on another couple of DVDs last weekend, and surprisingly, neither of them was half bad.
  • "The Island"--This was a decent sci-fi action movie/mystery with just enough big chase scenes and mystery to keep the story going for most of the movie. Ewan McGregor doesn't really seem like the ideal action hero, and Scarlett Johansson is bland as usual, but the premise itself is just intriguing enough to allow us to forgive the plotholes and casting mistakes, at least for a while. Sort of a bigger-budget cousin of "Gattaca"--a high concept fantasy that works most of the time. (*** out of four)
  • "Zathura"--The studio tried to get some real leverage out of the inevitable "Jumanji" comparisons, but for once, I think the advertising hit it right on the head: "Zathura" really is just "Jumanji" in space. That can be a blessing or a curse, but this movie never pretends to be anything different, and as long as you go into it thinking that it's going to be all about a magical board game that causes things to come to life, you'll enjoy yourself. The acting is decent--especially by the youngest of the two brothers, who is adorable--and the movie has a pro-family (especially pro-brothers) theme to it. The special effects are impressive, there is plenty of humor mixed in with the action, and there is a happy (if not entirely logical) ending to wrap up all the mayhem in the middle. A decent 90 minute diversion that is appropriate for most of the family (might be a little intense for younger kids). (*** out of four)


PJC said...

I have to disagree with the review of the Island. If I were trapped on an island for a year with no human contact and no entertainment and that movie was showing anytime that I wanted to go and see it, I wouldn't go see it again.

I am tired of hollywood leaving huge plot holes and not making any attempt to fill them. I think if we pay the price of admission they owe us more.

Anonymous said...

Well now I need a tiebreak vote. Should I see the Island or not?

Anonymous said...

I'll break that tie. I rather liked the Island. It's definitely a one-shot-in-the-pot type of film (aka I probably won't go out of my way to see it again) but let's be serious: when should we miss an opportunity to see Ewen Mcgregor?

Anonymous said...

I rather enjoyed it as well.

Anonymous said...

Jon agrees with Pete. I will go ahead and side with Lacy and D.

Anonymous said...

just buy a poster of Ewen and look at it in silence ... you'll get a better story than you would out of the movie ...

PJC said...

I thought it was a good popcorn movie. Semi-thought provoking, but yes, there are plot-holes. I enjoyed it though. Jenn