Friday, July 24, 2009

Here comes the bride...

My friend Aaron tipped me off to this YouTube hit: a couple who decided to have an unconventional entrance to their wedding. Looks like something straight out of Runaway Bride or the like.

If Wendy and I had tried the same approach at our wedding, I'm pretty sure we would have seen Jennie doing the running man, Fast Eddy doing the worm, and Ammon dancing to High School Musical.


Cassie said...

That would have been so fun Jay-- although I still get tears in my eyes remembering your "She." That's hard to beat.

Katie said...

That's so funny. And in fact, I was telling Ammon yesterday that he's probably the only grown man alive that listens to High school musical when no kids are around.

Andrea, Mrs. said...

That's really, really cute. I'm glad that they had fun with their wedding. And thanks for sharing that bit of happiness!