Monday, June 01, 2009

"New Moon" trailer debuts

Wendy and I fast-forwarded through the crass MTV Movie Awards last night to catch a peek at the debut trailer for New Moon. Needless to say, her reaction was significantly different than mine (although to be fair, both reactions included smiles). Let me know what you think by watching it yourself below:



Devry said...

ok, edwards acting in that preview is hideous and don't even get me started on the lame special effects, but i'm sure i'll still go see it, probably on opening day at midnight.

MEG said...

LOL, my reaction included a gag. The no-name actor that plays Edward needs to get over the fact that he isn't really a vampire. He's so into himself it makes me sick.

But I'm with Devry, I'll go see it opening night. CHEERS!

Stinsonian said...

Seriously. Cheesy or not, I loved it. Can't wait for November!!

Unknown said...

Go Jacob!!!

Anonymous said...

so, is this the one with the pillow biting? I might go see that one just for laughs. One of my favorite Novell memories EVER.

Unknown said...

I LOVED the trailer and Brett was even a little impressed with it too--although I'm not sure he would admit.

Side note: Was Enemin really mad or was he faking?

Katie said...

Honestly, I love Jacob so I'm pretty excited for this one. I might even see it in the movie theater.

Dana said...

Hello Jacob!

Michelle said...

I'll see it. But the first movie was lame, and I read in some tabloid that there are changes to the movie that aren't in the book, which would tick me off.