Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Am I getting "Lost"?

Well thanks to the holidays and some other TV distractions, I hardly felt those three months of abstinence from "Lost." Last night I reviewed several of the most recent episodes in preparation for tomorrow's episode; as I was trying to fall asleep, I mentioned to Wendy that the most recent episodes of "Lost" represented both the best and the worst of the frustratingly addictive show:

The Best
  • Sawyer's pace-maker
  • Ben Linus/Henry Gale vs. the white bunny rabbits
  • There are two islands?!?!
  • Desmond the Clairvoyant
The Worst
  • Colleen's hubby taking out her death on Sawyer (who had nothing to do with her death)
  • Colleen's hubby insisting that Kate confess her love for Sawyer
  • Sawyer and Kate getting it on against the bars of a bear cage (I mean really, right there in the open, in a cage!)
  • Ignoring the show's original stars/stories
  • Occasionally redundant/irrelevant flashbacks (a.k.a timekillers)
Having said all this, I don't want anyone to think that I've bailed on my formerly favorite TV show (recently dethroned by "24"): when it is good, "Lost" is REALLY good. I mean seriously, just thinking about how great Season 1 was makes me think that I owe it to producers to let them crank out a few stinkers (including the most recent, DREADFUL episode with the aforementioned cage-love). So I am cautiously optimistic that a few more months of planning will help the show be what it once was; I would gladly put it back in a two-way tie for my favorite show if it could prove its worthiness to me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to like Juliet. And it's starting to make sense now why she's so loyal to Ben.

What's happening on the other side of the island?