Sunday, April 09, 2006

TV Recap:

In a recent Entertainment Weekly article, Stephen King (a very clever pop-culture analyst) refers to himself as a "TV-whore." While I laughed at the shocking incoherence of the title (he's basically just saying he's become a couch potato), I can't help but join with him in praising the current state of network television. "24" has never been better (I'm just praying they don't botch the president-twist from last week), "Lost" has recaptured my imagination after a mid-season flashback funk, and "Gilmore Girls" returned from its 5 year hiatus with an episode that had me tearing up in laughter. If this is what being a couch potato is like, I hope they have this career path in heaven.


PJC said...

Don't forget The Office and My Name Is Earl. These are two clever and creative comedies that we can't get enough of.

KA said...

I do love Stephen King. I read that article and found it to be quite amusing. What I know about myelf is that, outside of AI, there just isn't much TV I'm addicted to. Sorry to disappoint.

Anonymous said...

Gilmore Girls? ah dude no!

Justin said...

I admit, "Gilmore Girls" is a guilty pleasure. Sort of like admitting that I enjoy Bath and Body Works...but hey, there are worse things than watching something so unabashedly girly. Nothing comes to mind, but there's got to be something.

Anonymous said...


Be proud of your "Glimore Girls" love. They are a delightful little piece of entertainment and I love them. I do however always forget what day and time they are on and have to settle for the reruns on ABC family.