Monday, February 01, 2010

Prequel blues

Is it just me, or has all this prequel business gotten out of hand? I mean really, can you think of one single good prequel? Star Wars: Episode III was decent, especially in comparison to its own crappy predecessors, but seriously, name one prequel that was actually worth retelling a story you already know. You can't do it, can you? Neither can I. (Last year's Wolverine being a perfect example of boring redundance.)

So it's with great disdain that I relate the latest Bourne rumors from Matt Damon. Specifically, he says that the studio will likely make a Bourne prequel with a different actor prior to finally getting around to a new Bourne sequel (which he says may be five years away!). After all, Jason Bourne only became interesting and relatable once he forgot who he was. I mean seriously, who wants to see him become a cold-blooded killer? Anyone else think this is a terrible idea?

This news, coupled with the recent Spider-man franchise reboot (seriously, a reboot already?), really makes me irritated at the lack of original thought coming out of Hollywood these days. Your thoughts?


Jon said...

I can't imagine anyone being Jason Bourne better than Matt Damon.

Erica Eley said...

I refuse to watch a non-Matt Damon- J. Bourne! Boycott!
Also, Hollywood, you should care more about your products and not so much on your concepts. You're killing us!

ammonc said...

I don't like your comment about Wolverine - but I do agree that prequels and the huge franchised movies market is getting a little old.