Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I just got the chills...

A couple of pieces of good news for us here today, both courtesy of the fanboy website Ain't It Cool News:
  • The Writer's Guild strike could be ending soon. This source says it could be over as early as next week. Let's all say a silent prayer for Jack Bauer's return...
  • I just got back from Disneyland, where I made time for the Indiana Jones Adventure twice. And yet strangely, I get more geeky-chills from looking at the following image than from anything I saw on that great ride (click on image to see Indy in a larger degree of glory):
See a couple of other great Indy-images here. Memorial Day can't come soon enough!


shoeaddict said...

YAY and here's hoping everybody in Hollywood can go back to work soon! Hope you had a great time and a nice Thanksgiving.

KA said...

I will be the bigger person and not ban you in return. Even though I fairly warned you. And, you're right, the pictures are delicious.

Justin said...

Maybe being banned would generate some widespread interest in my blog...of course then I'd have to update it more often than once a month.