Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shiny new "Harry Potter" trailer

We're less than two months away from the first part of the epic-looking Harry Potter finale. I just dare you to watch this trailer without getting goosebumps:

Part I of The Deathly Hallows opens on my birthday, November 19. Enjoy!


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!

l.g. mcfifi said...

We went to The Guardian movie, and when this preview/trailer came on- I was sooooo excited- this movie looks GOOD- cute baby by the way, I checked out Wendy's blog

Erica Eley said...

Please tell me you're spending your birthday evening with two magical people... Wendy and Harry Potter!

Teena said...

ohh man! I am so pumped. Tonight we're watching HP 6, as part of our marathon to build up for 7. I may have to read the books now. Thanks for posting this.