Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day, ladies

Before you watch this quasi-trailer for the upcoming New Moon movie (coming out in November), just remember that the actor who plays Jacob is only 17. Yes, one year older than my oldest nephew. Adjust your reaction accordingly.


Lindsay said...

Yes Please! I'll take two ;) November can't come fast enough. Although I think I'll skip the midnight showing. I actually want to enjoy watching this the first time I see it. Thanks for posting J!

Jodi Collins said...

Oh Wow! I don't care if he is 14 - I'll take him anyday.:-) That made my heart go pitter patter and gave me chills.

KA said...

Well, how can we help ourselves? And thank goodness for the haircut.

Unknown said...

Giddy is the word I use to describe ;D You know you can't help yourself either Justin!! Thanks for posting!

jennie said...


Anonymous said...

I thought she loved the vampire guy. What happened to the pillow scene Justin? Clearly this girl has bad-boy issues that she needs to resolve.