Tuesday, May 02, 2006

New trailers for "Superman Returns," "Pirates 2," "Casino Royale"

Here are links for trailers to a couple of this summer's most anticipated movies, "Superman Returns" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest." The third link is to the new James Bond remake (or should I say James Blonde), "Casino Royale."




I've never graded movie trailers before, but I think tonight is a good time ot pull out the red pencil...personally, the trailer for "Superman" looks good and interesting (*** out of four), but can't keep from being giddy about some more "Pirates" mischief (**** out of four). Although I think James Bond in general has become a little bland and predictable, there are a few things about this new trailer which show a bit of promise (including more backstory about Bond), so we'll see (**1/2 out of four). What do you think? And what movies are you most excited about?


Anonymous said...

X-III of course, I give that trailer a *****

Justin said...

I go back and forth between being really excited about X3 and just being medium excited. The trailer was pretty good, though.

KA said...

I guess I better hurry up and watch the first Pirates....

Jon is MUCH more excited about both Superman and Bond than I am, but I'll probably get carted off to at least one of them (preferrably Superman). Also, we just got free tickets to MI3, which pleases me. I love a free movie.

PJC said...

Haven't been able to view the trailer yet for Pirates... but I am excited for some more Johnny Depp. I hope the movie doesn't disappoint. Don't care about Bond, but I wouldn't mind seeing Superman. Jenn

Shums said...

Don't be confused by the nickname, it's Layton here. I'm stoked for all of the above, especially X3, Pirates, and Superman. There's just something about the Superman movies -- I dig it. Oh, hit up my blog at leadmyskepticsight.blogspot.com if you're curious. It's much more journal-ish and much less review-oriented, though. Later!